DJ Shadow's Brand New Double Album "Our Pathetic Age" Out Now

Today marks an occasion that carries tremendous significance in my life; a moment in time that represents the culmination of so many hours of inspiration, frustration, and anticipation. It’s the day I’m able to share my latest album. While I’ve been fortunate enough to achieve such a milestone several times in the past, this by no means dilutes the sense of giddy excitement I feel now. I’m truly grateful for the opportunity.
Our Pathetic Age is the biggest and most ambitious album of my career to date, but it wouldn’t have been possible without the help and care of so many. Firstly, to my family, who have had to share me with a compulsive need to create something, ANYTHING to help me make sense of this brief moment on earth: thank you for your sacrifices. Secondly, to my fellow artists who have so unselfishly lent their talents to the project: I do not, and will not, ever take your contributions for granted. And to the label and business folks behind the scenes, I know how hard you’ve worked to meet my expectations. Thank you for your diligence and patience.
Once a film, or book, or album is set out for consumption, it no longer belongs exclusively to its creator(s). It weaves itself into the lives and experiences of others, attaching to the collective psyche and, if successful, alters or challenges accepted ways of thinking. My hope, on numerous levels, is that this album does just that.
Despite the title, this is art borne of, and inspired by, love for my fellow human beings and this fragile spaceship we all inhabit. Although we’ve been systematically separated by arbitrary borders, both geographic and psychological, analog and digital, at our core, we’re more alike than different. Everyone has their own way of dealing with, reacting to, embracing or rejecting the external stimuli that complicate our lives. As an artist, this album is my coping mechanism, and I hope it will become yours.
-DJ Shadow, November 2019